Leadership Model

Volunteers and staff with the Daughters of Bulgaria are committed to the servant leadership model of the SAFoundation - Canada. The servant leadership model facilitates the development of an organizational culture based on servanthood, personal recovery and community. Servanthood is a state of the heart and is characteristic of the Christian. Personal recovery means the change that God makes in each believer’s life as they grow in faith. Community is formed when a group of people pull together to enact the organization’s vision and mission and are unified around the worship of God based on repentance and faith.

The servant leadership model especially supports the objectives of the Rose Garden Program as each related activity equips those involved with a greater understanding of the recovery processes and difficulties encountered by sexually exploited/trafficked children, youth and women when they attempt to change their way of life. It also supports those involved to become efficient, knowledgeable, effective, more compassionate and healthier caregivers as they provide participants in the Rose Garden Program with stable and secure environments in which programs and services (specifically tailored to their unique recovery needs) are delivered to facilitate their inclusion into mainstream society.

This servant leadership model is reflected at 3 levels:  Individual, Governance, and Organizational.


Individual Level

Staff and volunteers with the Daughters of Bulgaria, and especially with the Rose Garden Program, are invited to participate in a “Formation of Servants” 12-Step group. In these groups, the leadership of the organization creates the atmosphere for individuals to address personal recovery issues while at the same time they learn to understand the recovery process that participants in the Rose Garden Program are involved in. The Formation of Servants 12-Step groups are used to facilitate the development of servanthood, personal recovery and community.

Contact us to find out more about these groups.


Governance Level

The Daughters of Bulgaria Foundation (DofBF) uses the Policy Governance Model for nonprofits as its governing structure and to complement its servant leadership culture. The governance structure is based on a business-like system with a non-profit charitable mandate to execute its vision and mission (product) for the benefit of the  Bulgarian society affected by the issues of sexual exploitation and human trafficking (consumer). The social investors are the individuals and groups who support the activities of the DofBF.

This business-like system is supported by 3 levels of governance responsibility, carried out by the leadership. The Board of Directors, the Daughters of Bulgaria Steering Committee, and the Organizational Development Team of the autonomous subsidiary organ, The Rose Garden Program. Such structures promote power with others versus power over others while embracing the fact that governance itself is about power, control, authority and influence.

The servant leadership culture is developed as an internal community centered on faith and unity in Christ, is based on personal recovery, and is centered on the Daughters of Bulgaria’s core values and mission.


Organizational Level


The Daughters of Bulgaria Foundation (DofBF) has created a servant leadership culture at its organizational level that gives clearly defined boundaries, values and beliefs. This is for the purpose of giving clear direction to its staff and volunteers.

Core Values

The DofBF’s core values are intended to support the leadership in developing the servant leadership culture within the organization. These core values are translated into Principles to Live By and the goal is to implement them at all levels of the organization.

Philosophy of Ministry

The DofBF has a philosophy of ministry (or manner of doing business) that determines the way we interpret and enact our governance, our fundraising/PR practices, our financial management, our program delivery and human resource management. It is based on these biblical assertions:

  • All leaders are broken people in the process of being transformed into Christ likeness.
  • God calls his people in the midst of our brokenness to come to him in true repentance from our selfish sin.
  • This repentance is a godly sorrow over sin as being against him, and it results in a deepening relationship with him that issues in a new heart of service.
  • True repentance that is lived out in service to God is a gift for the community.


Core Values

The core values guide the actions of the people of an organization. When these values are clearly defined every decision that needs to be made is easier. The core values of the DofBF support its leadership in developing an organizational culture that reflects these values in their governance, personal spiritual development practices, human resources, operational management, and in each of the activities of the Foundation.

Organizational Values

Strong Leadership
Proactive Initiative
Fair Working Environment

1. Vision

The DofBF is an organization based on the Christian principles of servanthood, personal recovery, and community. Servanthood is a Christian characteristic that reflects the attitudes described in the book of Matthew 5:3-12. Personal Recovery is the changes that God makes in each believer’s life as they grow in faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 6-8). Community is developed when members turn to God with prayers of repentance (Ezra 9:5-15), when members support each other to fulfill the mandate of the DofBF (Exodus 36:8-9), when members commit themselves to correct any situations in the DofBF that are potentially unjust and harmful (Deuteronomy 21:1-9), and when members practice grace and mercy (Ephesians 4:32).

2. Integrity

We believe in being honest and true in our actions, personally and publicly. Therefore, we participate in the development of a Scriptural 12-Step Culture – the Formation of Servants – to facilitate our own personal recovery and leadership accountability, but also as a means to understand the long-term recovery processes that participants in the Rose Garden Program must embrace when they choose recovery from sexual exploitation / trafficking.

3. Privacy

We believe in the principle of anonymity that directs others to God’s purpose for the activities of the DofBF and not for promoting any of our members or exploiting any of the target population of the activities of the Foundation.

4. Strong Leadership

We believe in the importance of leading by example. In our roles as servants of each other and of God, we strive to meet the needs of others first. We hold each other accountable for our own personal recovery through participation in the Formation of Servants, by challenging ourselves to hold to the principle of anonymity, and by continuously learning to act based on our principles and not the personalities involved.

5. Unity

We believe in the principle of community evidenced in our common vision based on servanthood, personal recovery, and community. When this is centered in Christ, it results in unity in purpose.

6. Proactive Initiative

We believe in the principle of sustainability and therefore we are proactive in ensuring leadership who:

  • Trusts that when God calls he also equips and provides as needed, one day at a time
  • Remains focused on the vision and mission of the DofBF
  • Collaborates with other enterprises or groups who have a diversity of guiding principles and therefore collaborates without endorsement or affiliation
  • Uses well-determined steps for organizational growth and commits to develop social enterprises to reach financial self-sustainability

7. Fair Working Environment 

We believe in the principle of fairness and equality and therefore are committed to develop a fair working environment that promotes equality by

  • Remembering the importance of both Scripture and the impact that it has on personal integrity as we learn how to act fairly and to promote equality, and altruism or selflessness and the role that it plays in servanthood.
  • Implementing well developed human resource guidelines, a code of conduct, and policies and procedures that promote fairness and equality.

8. Succession

We believe in encouraging the principle of growth and change by providing ongoing training and mentoring in order to ensure successful succession of personnel.

Statement of Faith

Spirituality is about the Christian life. It is about following Jesus and is a way of life that is open, honest, and characterized by a certain amount of transparency and vulnerability. For us, this spirituality - this living, breathing openness, integrity, transparency and vulnerability - is at the core of who we are as a Foundation. It is from this base that servanthood can be lived in community.

The Formation of Servants curriculum for spiritual growth and renewal is used to equip Christian people who want to serve the Lord Jesus, who are want personal recovery from their broken lives, and who want to belong to a unified community. By putting aside personal selfish desires, treating others with respect and considering others’ interests as more important than their own, people become one in spirit and purpose. Our view of spirituality and the Formation of Servants curriculum conforms to the historic statement of faith declared in the Nicene Creed. The Creed clearly defines the nature and person of the Christian God and his disciples’ relationship to him and to each other.

We believe in one God,
The Father almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
Of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
The only Son of God,
Begotten from the Father before all ages,

God from God,
Light from Light,
True God from true God,
Begotten, not made;
Of the same essence of the Father.
Through Him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation,
He came down from heaven;

He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,

And was made human.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered and was buried.

The third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures.

He ascended to Heaven,
And is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again with glory,
To judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will never end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit,
The Lord, the giver of life.
He proceeds from the Father and the Son,
And with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified.

He spoke through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic* and apostolic church.
We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
And to life in the world to come. Amen.
*Catholic with a small “c” means universal.